When you adopt public cloud services the outcome will fall somewhere on this spectrum:

Some organizations adopt public cloud and find the costs are high, security is unclear, and there is little benefit to the organization. By contrast, others seem to find ways to improve their security posture, reduce costs, and deliver business value more rapidly. Why such a difference?

The difference is rooted in the varying skill sets across different organizations, and most importantly, the level of knowledge leadership has on building a successful public cloud capability. Those that find success typically have leaders that understand the skills gap and build in time or bring in external expertise to upskill their workforce and leadership prior to any significant cloud development.

Some of the most seasoned senior technology leaders may have only been hands-on with traditional computing models. While many traditional computing concepts are transferable, there are also a lot of new concepts that are critical to the success of public cloud adoption, such as DevSecOps and FinOps. And without understanding the value of these new concepts, it is very difficult to achieve substantial business value with the cloud.

The beginning of a well-executed cloud adoption program starts with a solid cloud strategy, and to build one, it is imperative that leaders acquire skills and understanding in the following areas:
How the cost model changes, and how to manage those costs from day one.
Where the value of cloud computing is, and how that value can be used to benefit your business.
What does cloud security look like and how do you integrate it into existing security posture management, without slowing down productivity.
What DevOps brings to the table, and how it augments cloud computing.
Which skills the teams responsible for building cloud applications will need, and how to help them learn those skills.
How to restructure, realign or introduce processes to help teams remove friction while working with cloud computing.
Failure to invest time in understanding the above areas leads to cloud approaches that provide little to no business value, security flaws, and wasted money.
Don't rush into a cloud adoption initiative or start "lifting and shifting" your datacenter without understanding the above points.
Further Reading
This article was Part 6 of our “9 things C-Suite executives need to know about Public Cloud” series. Follow us for more Public Cloud strategic insights!
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